Welcome to the life of Kandice

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


With John M. Lee.

Only if I could turn back time...

Or make time speed up...just a little bit ... So I can ease this pain.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Her first time at tea station. She's in love.

Sunday night dinner

Isse show

I went to the long beach convention center with my mom to check out the spa and salon show yesterday. I think this is the aquarium of the pacific. I took this while walking to the car.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Thank you Soomin! U tha best!

Maid of honor and bridesmaid

:) so pretty!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

@ empress pavilion

For some dim sum with Soo and mom.


Friendship and business Should not be combined.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Finally finished buying everything we need for my new place! Thank you mommy! It's been a long week of shopping!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


After dinner at Thai BBQ, we stopped by Ralph's because I have been craving tequila. I've never tried this brand... Hope it's good.

@ Thai BBQ

With soo and daveeeed

Littlerock california

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I made salmon, green beans, potatoes with sour cream and chives, portobello mushrooms with balsamic vinegar, and crab cakes with homemade tartar sauce. :) I'm becoming a pro at this.

Lunch with mom

@ whole foods

Monday, January 23, 2012

Dragon fruit

Tastes like ...... Nothing. For dinner I made filet mignon with potato salad, BBQ beans, baked tomatoes and miso salad. For dessert I brought the dragon fruit out and tried it for the first time. It was so bland it really tasted like nothing. So... We ate cantaloupe instead. :)

Shopping @Ross

My mom and I went to three different locations... Floor mats, cups, utensils, cushions, fry pans, spatula, etc etc etc... Sigh

Cup at Ross

For a narcissistic person. Teehee

Lunch @mishima

Sansai vegetable soba, tofu salad, and spicy tuna don.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

I totally forgot

Today we signed the leasing agreement to our new apartment!!!!! We're moving in on February 1st!! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. It's hard to explain this feeling... Happy, because david and I get to live together in our own place. Sad, because for the first time in my life I will be away from my mom. T.T. I hate these mixed feelings...

Keun umma came to visit

Today I went to the petshop around 11 because leilani had a doctors appointment. She seemed upset with me and didn't talk much because of what I said to her on the phone last night. I shouldn't have complained to her about how she was working... It made things so awkward and i think she took it the wrong way. I hope she talks to me about it and not keep it bottled up inside. I do not want our work to come between us. On the brighter note, my auntie came from the OC to visit so we went to the market and bought live crabs and had a feast. Even while talking and having fun I couldn't get my mind off of Leilani... Sigh... Hope I could sleep tonight.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Someone left the bathroom door open again. Lol. Ruby loves water.


For Charmaine's big 3.0.

Back to LA

Today's breakfast

@ sandwich hut in Fullerton

On the way to Fullerton

I'm on my way to fullerton to do a demo and also to meet mark, from Texas. It's gonna be a full day. :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Kalbi, rice, potato salad, and kimchi

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I dragged david and my mom to yoga class today. My mon liked it but I think david was in pain. Hahaha. When I got home I made my specialty snack, wheat bread with chicken, tomatoes and cheese and stuck it in the oven. Nom nom.


Taking photos of myself while waiting in the car for david

Monday, January 16, 2012


What if there were two of me? Ewwww lol. All hell will break loose! Jk :)

Lunch date

Lunch date with my cousin christina at bottega Louie. Food was mediocre but the macaroons were to die for! So I bought a dozen for take out. We ordered lobster hash, a burger, and a salad. I'm definitely going back for the pastries.

Dinner at fatfish

Sunday, January 15, 2012

@curryhouse j town

We came to eat here and ran into my moms friend, Joo oak Ajumma.

Filming in downtown la

Were Loft shopping in Downtown LA and saw a set on the streets. They said its a comercial for time Warner cable. I saw a few zombies getting their makeup did. It looks more like a movie set than a comercial.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

@ S Bar

David got a 50$ coupon from s bar in the mail, so we decided to come eat and drink

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday night dinner at home

@tea station

My mom and my favorite lunch spot. Teehee the White peach oolong tea was extra good today! We ordered sweet butter toast, beef wraps, spicy fried popcorn chicken, Taiwanese sausages with garlic, and tataki balls. Nom nom nom!

Good morning

I am all ready to run errands with my mom!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Spa night

I really needed this. Hot tub, steam room, and jjim jeel bang. Kandy ish hahhhhhpeee!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I slept in today so I have a lot of energy! On Monday and Tuesday I worked all day 9 to 7pm and slept only four hours each day, so I was extremely exhausted. Today I had enough energy to cook dinner again. The little puppy is a Yorkshire teacup puppy from my shop. She's so tiny that I need to take her home at night. . For some reason her personality reminds me of ruby when she was a puppy.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dinner on Sunday night

I made 닭발 and 닭똥집 without my moms help today. It was a success!

Going to chuuuuuh cheee


At ppuk kku ki

Night out with grace and Jiin. We had a lot of great conversations. :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Crazy Ajumma shoppers

This place was having a closing down sale and everything was 50% off. My mom has been here for hours today. The cashier line itself took more than an hour to pay. We bought rice cookers, iPhone players, food, etc etc. craziness! I don't think I want to ever go back! It was like a black Friday madness!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Kings buffet

Again... Teehee calorie overload. With soo, david, and Mommie