Welcome to the life of Kandice

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Arguing with friends suck... Especially since I'm super sensitive these few days. I think since the wedding is so near that I'm stressed. I thought I wouldn't be like other "bridezillas" but I feel like I'm becoming one. Im getting so easily agitated... I just wish my friends would understand and try to help instead of making me more stressed about unnecessary subjects. Sigh. Planning this wedding made my a lot of true colors come out. It made me realized that some friends and family are just not who I thought they were, and I also got closer to certain friends and family. I want to hurry up and get this wedding over with, but at the same time I'm nervous about how little time I have left. Sigh. I feel like my head is about to pop. S.o.s please, someone help me.

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