Welcome to the life of Kandice

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Friday... So much happened. Someone stole a dog at our shop... I was busy walking Romeo and bill for only two minutes... And the bulldog was gone. I checked the surveillance and thee Hispanics came inside and grabbed the dog by its neck. I called the police but they didnt show up... Later one clara and steven came to visit... For dinner I took Jiin and her friend boram out for sushi at jeju hwaruh, then we came home and I made their nails all pretty and nice using my uV gel machine. My mom was sick with food poisoning so I visited her earlier... I wanted to sleep over but something in my head keeps telling me to leave her alone... Why??? Argh! I want to make her independent and strong without me! Is this the first step or is it too harsh especially when she Is sick... Im taking her to the hospital for sure tomorrow morning..:

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